What method of hair removal do you reccommend (besides shaving)? I'd be willing to laser hair removal Washington save money for an expensive procedure. I just want to find a good way to remove hair before my wedding in a year. I have excessive, dark hair on my stomach (I was told that it is a hormonal problem known laser hair removal Washington as "hirsutism"). I read that a doctor can help me prevent more hair growth, but the existing hair will remain unless I use a hair removal method. I would either like to use laser treatment or Electrolysis for my stomach. But I read that Electrolysis might leave scars. How severe are the scars? For my legs, I could settle for a short term fix, like laser hair removal Washington waxing. Does waxing irritate the skin?I'd go with laser treatment, but I read that it can take 4-10 sessions to get rid of hair completely. Does that mean that I would have to deal with somewhat hairy legs for months? M y concern with Electrolysis is scars. I'd appreciate any advice or information, thanks.
Answer:Since there's an excessive amount of hair in that area maybe laser would be a better choice. I've been getting laser hair removal on my face and laser hair removal Washington now on my 5th treatment. My skin is darker toned so they had to use a special laser. It laser hair removal Washington was a little painful for me the first time and right after the procedure there was some redness but it goes away. About maybe five days post (every) treatment the hair began to grow back but then fell out on its own after a week or so! If you can't deal with the regrowth for a week laser hair removal Washington it's okay to shave it or even better use an electronic trimmer so that you don't get razor bumps, I've seen small ones that are better to use on the body. Any other ways of removing hair (during the laser treatments) can disturb the hair follicles and probably laser hair removal Washington irritate the skin even more because I noticed the area treated becomes more sensitive.After the first treatment, and falling out of regrown hair, the hair did grow back again but slower than usual. laser hair removal Washington When I got to the next sessions I noticed the hair didn't grow back for weeks (well after the regrowth fell out first) or until it was time for another session. After some time the hair grows back lighter and finer. It's takes patience but I love it because it lasts and I don't have to worry laser hair removal Washington about removing the hair every three days.I think electrolysis is good to use for very small areas. With electrolysis a tiny needle is darted into each hair follicle and that can be very painful, more so than laser. I also think that laser hair removal Washington this way of removing hair can be very irritating to the skin being that an instrument is sticking the area repeatedly. So yeah scars are more likely to appear with this procedure.Waxing can irritate the skin but can be prevented sometimes. Maybe you can use a natural wax that's gentler on the skin. I don't wax my legs but I do wax my eyebrows. To reduce irritation after I wax my eyebrows I wait about 5 min then rinse with cold water, pat dry, then apply aloe vera laser hair removal Washington gel which helps heal skin and get rid of redness. The redness goes away in minutes laser hair removal Washington and the area is no longer irritated. Maybe that can work after waxing the legs too! I use the clear aloe vera gel instead of the green one because of the funny smell it has. The green aloe vera gel smells because it has a numbing ingredient (lidocaine I think) which is probably better to use if there's itching or burning sensation after waxing.Whatever you do, I suggest you rule out the electrolysis because laser hair removal Washington of the high risk of damaging your skin. I'm sorry about my long answer lol!Good luck with your decision and congradulations wife to be!
Answer:Most definately, Lazor
Answer:I would try waxing, it shouldn't irritate the skin or anything of that sort. After a week or two bumps might appear, but that is laser hair removal Washington about it! :) As for an actual "fix", Look into laser treatment and see if there are any alternatives available.~Elle
Answer:for your beauty needs and skin care u can get various tips laser hair removal Washington from www.beautytocare.blogspotcom
Answer:Plucking (tweezing), Shaving, Depilatory creams and Waxing are temporary hair removal methods. Waxing usually lasts for 3 weeks, but it is painful. Electrolysis and laser hair removal are "permanent" hair removal methods but laser hair removal Washington are expensive and you have to find a trained professional, otherwise your skin could be damaged. A review of the various hair removal methods is available at http://3rc.info/
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